序号 |
论文题目 |
刊物/会议名称 |
发表时间 |
第一作者 |
通讯作者 |
论文水平 |
1 |
分布式多数据流频繁伴随模式挖掘 |
软件学报 |
201904 |
于自强 |
王琳 |
CCF A,以分布式挖掘方法解决多数据流频繁伴随模式发现问题 |
2 |
多种手势对应同一语义的柔性映射交互算法的研究 |
电子学报 |
201908 |
冯志全 |
冯志全 |
CCF A,提出多手势对应同一语方法实现手势语义的智能教学 |
3 |
Cut-and-Choose 双向不经意传输 |
软件学报 |
201702 |
赵川 |
蒋瀚 |
CCF A,提出原语具有密码学基础理论上的重要意义 |
4 |
一种端到端的日冕物质现象检测新方法 |
科学通报 |
201708 |
姚海 |
尹建芹 |
卓越期刊论文,成果被国家天文台应用于天文数据分析系统中 |
5 |
基于Altera IP 核的FPGA PCIE 接口设计 |
工业控制计算机 |
201702 |
王帅 |
李念强 |
将FPGA 与忆阻器结合,首试存算一体新架构下的智能物联网设计架构 |
6 |
Evolving Generalized Modulatory Learning: Unifying Neuromodulation and Synaptic Plasticity |
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems |
202012 |
王琳 |
王琳 |
IF:3.379,论文创新采用进化计算成功将神经可塑性与神经调制统合为一体化模型 |
7 |
Improvement of Neural Network Classifiers Using Fuzzy Floating Centroids |
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics |
202005 |
刘双荣 |
王琳 |
IF:11.448,中科院计算机一区,提出模糊浮动质心分类成功应用于水泥分类 |
8 |
Gaussian Distribution Based Over sampling for Imbalanced Data Classification |
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
202004 |
谢羽茜 |
彭立志 |
IF:6.977,CCF A,解决了数据分类不平衡问题,时间复杂度优于现有方法 |
9 |
Active Fault-Tolerant Control for Discrete Vehicle Active Suspension via Reduced-Order Observer |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems |
202001 |
韩士元 |
周劲 |
IF:13.451,中科院计算机一区,分布式智能观测系统在道路管理中得到广泛应用 |
10 |
Study on Multilevel Resistive Switching Behavior with Tunable ON/OFF Ratio Capability in Forming-Free ZnO QDs-Based RRAM |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
202009 |
王文晓 |
李阳 |
实现了单器件五种存储状态的高密度存算一体式类脑芯片模型 |
11 |
Super Field Plate That Can Provide Charge Balance Effect for Lateral Power Devices without Occupying Drift Region |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
202004 |
张春伟 |
李阳 |
提出一种新型电荷平衡实现模型,突破了传统架构的理论极限 |
12 |
Self-grouping Convolutional Neural Networks |
Neural Networks |
202012 |
郭庆北 |
吴小俊 |
IF:8.05,CCF B,中科院计算机二区,用分布式卷积思想显著提升CNN 性能 |
13 |
Deep Ensemble Neural-Like P Systems for Segmentation of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy Lesion |
Information Fusion |
202008 |
薛洁 |
牛四杰 |
中科院计算机一区,人工智能分区排名第2,解决类神经系统图像难题 |
14 |
Adaptive-Guided-Coupling-Probability Level Set for Retinal Layer Segmentation |
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics |
202011 |
孙悦 |
牛四杰 |
IF:5.772,中科院工程技术二区,创新性提出结构先验知识引导的耦合概率水平集方法 |
15 |
PrivateDL: Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Deep Learning Against Leakage From Gradient Sharing |
International Journal of Intelligent Systems |
202008 |
赵埼 |
赵川 |
中科院工程技术一区,利用迁移学习高效解决协同学习中的隐私泄露核心问题 |
16 |
Fast High-Order Sparse Subspace Clustering with Cumulative MRF for Hyperspectral Images |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
202001 |
王丽梅 |
牛四杰 |
中科院工程技术二区,创新高阶稀疏子空间聚类突破快速遥感信息分类 |
17 |
An Efficient Model for Predicting Setting Time of Cement Based on Broad Learning System |
Applied Soft Computing |
202011 |
郭继凤 |
王琳 |
中科院计算机一区,基于宽度学习为水泥凝结时间实现精确建模 |
18 |
Estimating Cement Compressive Strength Using Three-dimensional Microstructure Images and Deep Belief Network |
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
202002 |
郭继凤 |
王琳 |
中科院计算机二区,实现水泥强度直接估测,误差低至2.8兆帕 |
19 |
Highly Morphology-controllable and Highly Sensitive Capacitive Tactile Sensor Based on Epidermis-dermis-inspired Interlocked Asymmetric-nanocone Arrays for Detection of Tiny Pressure |
Small |
202001 |
牛闳森 |
李阳;刘宏;周伟家 |
中科院工程技术一区,实现面向盲文识别、人机交互的高精确识别智能感知系统 |
20 |
Polarization-encrypted High-resolution Full-color Images Exploiting Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Nanogratings |
Nanophotonics |
202004 |
岳文静 |
李阳 |
中科院工程技术一区,运用3D 堆叠式工艺实现了单器件下的全彩色图像感知芯片 |
21 |
Investigating the Evolution of a Neuroplasticity Network for Learning |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems |
201910 |
王琳 |
王琳 |
IF:9.309,中科院计算机一区,相关成果得到NEAT 之父K.Stanley高度肯定 |
22 |
A Localization Method Avoiding Flip Ambiguities for Micro-Uavs With Bounded Distance Measurement Errors |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
201908 |
郭庆北 |
张远 |
IF:5.112,CCF A,中科院计算机一区,被多位国家级人才及团队引用 |
23 |
A Mobile Malware Detection Method Using Behavior Features in Network Traffic |
Journal of Network and Computer Applications |
201905 |
王闪闪 |
陈贞翔 |
中科院计算机一区,IEEE 通信顶级综述刊物副主编积极评价 |
24 |
Classification of a DNA Microarray for Diagnosing Cancer Using a Complex Network Based Method |
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics |
201906 |
吴鹏 |
王栋 |
CCF B,原创性提出基于复杂网络的高维生物数据分类方法 |
25 |
Ranking-Based Biased Learning Swarm Optimizer for Large-Scale Optimization |
Information Sciences |
201908 |
邓瀚浡 |
彭立志 |
中科院计算机一区,在CEC数据标准测试中取得良好成绩 |
26 |
Three-dimensional Varying Density Field Plate for Lateral Power Devices |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
201902 |
张春伟 |
李阳 |
首提感知芯片电荷信号提取和控制方法,实现存算一体设计新方法 |
27 |
Uncertain Data Clustering in Distributed Peer-to-Peer Networks |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems |
201806 |
周劲 |
周劲 |
中科院计算机一区,解决分布式网络环境下模糊聚类问题 |
28 |
Detecting Android Malware Leveraging Text Semantics of Network Flows |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security |
201805 |
王闪闪 |
陈贞翔 |
CCF A,中科院计算机一区,获得多位IEEE Fellow 正面 评价 |
29 |
Machine Learning Based Mobile Malware Detection Using Highly Imbalanced Network Traffic |
Information Sciences |
201804 |
陈贞翔 |
陈贞翔;Qiben Yan;杨波 |
引用62 次,研究受到IEEE Fellow、美国NSF 程序主任等关注引用 |
30 |
Generic Content-Based Retrieval of Marker-Based Motion Capture Data |
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics |
201806 |
吕娜 |
彭京亮 |
CCF A,中科院计算机一区,受到博洛尼亚大学著名学者引用好评 |
31 |
FM: Flexible Mapping from One Gesture to Multiple Semantics |
Information Sciences |
201810 |
冯志全 |
陈贞翔 |
中科院计算机一区,创新性提出语义柔性映射模型实现行为意图理解 |
32 |
Face Recognition Based on Volterra Kernels Direct Discriminant Analysis and Effective Feature Classification |
Information Sciences |
201805 |
冯光 |
李恒建 |
中科院计算机一区,利用判别式核构建稀疏表示分类准则,增强低维特征抽取能力 |
33 |
An Improved Hot-carrier Lifetime Evaluation Method for the n-type LDMOS with Hot-hole Injection |
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices |
201806 |
张春伟 |
张春伟 |
提出可商业量产化的感知芯片设计架构及其寿命评估模型 |
34 |
Improving Neural-Network Classifiers Using Nearest Neighbor Partitioning |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems |
201710 |
王琳 |
杨波 |
ESI 高被引,中科院计算机一区,引起多位IEEE Fellow的关注 |
35 |
Public Interest Analysis Based on Implicit Feedback Of IPTV Users |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
201708 |
Matej Kren |
张远 |
中科院计算机一区,获日本九州工业大学优秀青年科学家积极评价 |
36 |
A Fast Feature Weighting Algorithm of Data Gravitation Classification |
Information Sciences |
201701 |
彭立志 |
杨波 |
中科院计算机一区,IEEE CSS 会议活动副主席认为值得特别关注 |
37 |
Imbalanced Traffic Identification Using an Imbalanced Data Gravitation-Based Classification Model |
Computer Communications |
201704 |
彭立志 |
杨波 |
IEEE 通信杂志编辑指出“该算法克服了集成算法和代价敏感算法的缺陷” |
38 |
Robust Noise Region-Based Active Contour Model Via Local Similarity Factor for Image Segmentation |
Pattern Recognition |
201701 |
牛四杰 |
陈强 |
中科院计算机一区,连续四年ESI 高被引论文,引用160次 |
39 |
An HCI Paradigm Fusing Flexible Object Selection and AOM-Based Animation |
Information Sciences |
201611 |
冯志全 |
冯志全 |
中科院计算机一区,国际上首次把认知信息、行为模型等与手势智能感知相融合 |